4 Tips to Turn Burnout Into Clarity
I've come across many friends, family, and clients who have at some point, felt burned out and lost in their lives. This is not uncommon at all, and I'd be surprised to meet someone who has NEVER felt that way at one point or another (if you are one of those people, I'd love to chat and hear your experience!).
Here are a few of my suggestions to help you find more clarity on your path:
1. Determine your natural strengths
It took me a while to realize an important lesson: What we are good at is NOT always what we enjoy doing. There is a difference between a skill and a strength. A skill is an acquired ability that we have developed through practice, while a strength is an innate ability that we are born with. We tend to gain more fulfillment by using our natural strengths then our acquired skills. Understanding this is a helpful starting point and can help narrow down career paths by eliminating abilities/roles that do not come naturally to us.
To determine your natural strengths, there are a number of assessments you can take online. My favorite is the THE MYERS BRIGGS, and there are others I have come across such as THE ENNEAGRAM, the DISC Personality Test (helps you determine your own work style and how best to work with others), and the BIG 5.
2. Take some time to narrow down your core values
There are many resources online to help you do so, and here is a specific article to help you get started. I would recommend making a list of all things that matter to you, and then narrow them down to your top five. Once you have determined your natural strengths and core values, use these as your foundation to guide you through narrowing down a new path for yourself. For example- is freedom one of your top 5 values? Then perhaps it’s a good sign that you would thrive better in environments that allow you a sense of freedom where you can create your own rules, schedule, and structure. Perhaps you would do well as a digital nomad where you get to decide exactly where you want to go!
3. Do a life audit & ask questions for self-reflection
Next, get a pen and paper and do an audit of your current and any previous positions that you've had. Ask yourself- What was it that you liked about position X? What strengths did you use (or not) in that role, and what core values did it (or not) fulfill? Then apply those questions to all of your other previous positions to gain clarity and find a common thread.
Take some time to consider what your career goals actually are, as well as your needs in a work environment. Do you want to create wealth and stability to yourself? Do you want freedom and flexibility? Do you want to feel that your work is making a difference? Do you prefer to interact directly with others who benefit from your work, or do you prefer to take a more behind-the-scenes approach? Determining your goals as well as what you need in your environment will help paint a clearer picture of the type of path that would allow you to thrive.
4. Lastly, trust your gut
If you are still experiencing a strong sense of burnout in your current role or maybe your entire field, this might be your gut trying to tell you to take a step back and try a different direction. Give yourself permission to take the time and space you need to pursue other interests, which could help you reflect back on your earlier experiences. The contrast may help you decide if you are ready to go back to your original field or not. And you never know, trying a different direction may turn out to be a much better fit for you long-term, especially if you find that it is more in line with your strengths and values!
In today's episode of The Sacred Style Podcast, we're going to be diving into how to boost your confidence through style and astrology.
Today I'm speaking with Yun-A Johnson—Personal Style Consultant, CEO & Founder of Your Aesthetic Style (YAS). She teaches a 10-day online program that helps women transform their outfits & interiors without shopping. Her YAS Method is fast, personal, and green (good for the environment and your wallet).