The Humanista Co. Creative | Sites with Soul.

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FREE Unsplash Stock Photo Collection: Organic Warmth

Click here to access the whole free Unsplash stock photo collection

Hi, my sweet friend! You're sunshiny, caring, and you have a knack for creating beauty through your warm, simple minimalism.

You're down-to-earth, empathic, generous, supportive, and the friend everyone turns to for advice. You have a knack for giving everyone a seat at the table. Creating an inclusive online community is not only going to light you up… it's what'll make you known.

You may be drawn more towards a purpose-driven, conscious crowd and businesses that reflect the desire to do good in this world. As far as aesthetics, you tend to be drawn more towards bohemian chic visuals—elements that feel natural, organic, soft, and ideally eco-friendly.

Your focus is service with a smile. You want to build a genuine community on platforms you feel comfortable with and make sure you stay in touch with your email subscribers. Whatever you choose, make personal connection your bottom line. You will become known by helping others grow and thrive on their journeys!

Here are a few design tips to create a brand that reflects this design style:


Choose soft, muted earthy colors and use nature as your biggest inspiration. Think of the natural elements such as flowers, ocean, sand, and sky. This design style does well using shades of beige, brown, green, tan, and blue, for example.

Whatever you choose, keep it minimalistic and refined, and your style will shine through.


Brand photos are one of your most powerful assets to create a first impression with your ideal audience, and selecting the right ones can be a challenge.  

Once you identify your earthy color palette, you can move forward selecting stock photos and perhaps even plan out a brand photo shoot for your website and social media.

To get started finding photography, check out our blog post, 3 Steps for Choosing Your Brand’s Stock Photos to walk you through the process step-by-step.

We recommend Unsplash for high-end, free stock photos available to use for both personal and commercial purposes. Here is one of our curated collections specifically for this brand design style. Check out our other collections too for more inspo! 


You have a powerful story to share. Remember—the more vulnerable you are willing to be with your story, the more relatability you will create between your brand and your ideal audience (so they can feel that you're a real human being).

So get brave and go for it, friend!


To get some visual ideas for what best suits your brand design style, check out these following Website Template Kits for our shop to get your creative juices flowing!

The Emille Squarespace Website Template Kit

The Olive Squarespace Website Template Kit

The Willow Squarespace Website Template Kit


We recommend creating a Pinterest mood board to serve as your own Creative Director. A mood board is a collection of fonts, images, colors, and textures that reflect the overall goal, values, and feeling you want to achieve in your brand.

It’s important to create a mood board early in the design process so that it can help you build your foundation and focus on your unique brand, instead of being tempted to follow trends and getting lost in the sea of competition.

For step-by-step guidance to get started, check out our blog post here: How to Create a Mood Board.